Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jason's Record Cabinet: In Process

As some of you may be aware, I'm kind of a vinyl junkie. I've built up a sizeable collection of LPs and 45s over the past 10 years. However, I've never taken the opportunity to build myself a cabinet worthy of its would-be contents. My friend and client Jason, however, is going to have a nice cabinet for his collection very soon.

The below image is a simple drawing that I'm using as a basis for building Jason's cabinet. I'm in the process right now, and am really enjoying building it knowing it'll be in someone's home who I think is really cool, and will house something that I have such a strong appreciation for.

The cabinet is constructed of walnut and comes as a two-piece set. The top section includes a beveled, hinged lid that, when opened, will reveal Jason's turntable. There will also be a display rack attached to one side that will serve a dual function of holding and highlighting the jacket of the record in use. I like to think of that feature as the home stereo version of a cranky record store clerk's "Now Playing" rack. Underneath that will be a shelf with doors that will hold about a crate's worth of LPs. The lower section is a similarly sized shelf unit. I'm flirting with using paper as a structural element again with this piece, proposing to use it as the handles for the doors and top.

A feature that doesn't come through the drawing is the beautifully figured walnut in the photo to the right. The spirally, funnel grain pattern will be incorporated into the doors.

I can already tell this is shaping up to be the kind of project that's hard to give up.

1 comment:

Jordan said...
